Over the past week I evaluated my research and got rid of things that did not work anymore and I searched for other information that can add more support and strength to my website. I was able to organize some of the things that I didn’t know what category to put them in. For right now my design is very simple and easy to use. I have a basic home page with tabs you can click on that ring you to more information. On each tab there is a category such has holidays, on a rainy day, seasons and learning and a couple other that are still being worked on and modified such has games. My topic is pretty basic so getting my point across is obviously narrated for right now. But I am still being conscious of that because I don’t want my ideas to flutter and the audience not being able to follow.
My major accomplishment this week was actually creating the website itself. I started with Wix.com and I love what I am able to do with it. This website allows you to do a lot and add a bunch of detail and animations. So far my most interesting link would be holidays because this link is the most lively and pleasing for an audience. This link gives off great information in a fun and simple way. I have lots of pictures and explanations or links to other websites that give a demo or a step by step process on how to do the craft.
My biggest obstacle is not being tech savvy because it puts a huge barrier for my website to come to its full potential. As for wix.com it is great and enables me to do a lot but this site is also very busy and confuses me on how to work it properly. I have started to overcome this issue but I was thinking about transferring my design and ideas on a new website much simpler. I tried using the template Mr. Allen gave us but I am having trouble setting up and editing the template and making it mine.
My next steps of this process are to learn more about my chosen website and possibly explore another website that will allow my site to come up to its full potential. I also plan to make sure I am focusing on all of the tabs and not just one. I want to keep all my tabs as equal as possible when it comes to the information under each tab. Another thing I plan to do is add pictures or explanations to help the reader better understand.
Over all my filtering of sources is working really well and while evaluating them more and more ideas are flowing into my head as well as categories. It is making the organization of my website easier and not so bland. Like said before the major thing not working so well is the website itself, I need something simple but allows me to add photos, videos, links and designs to my site.
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